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Geranium 10" Basket - Copley MIDDLE SCHOOL Music Booster

Geranium 10" Basket - Copley MIDDLE SCHOOL Music Booster

Product Info

These are our Full Sun 10" Geranium Hanging Baskets that bloom all Summer long - they look great on a porch, can fill up a container or can be removed from the basket and dropped right into the ground for an instant splash of color. Geraniums are drought resistant and a great addition to a landscape.

 We grow Syngenta's Americana Series Geraniums: These are a 20+ year industry staple Geranium that showcase stronger and denser foliage with solid flower power. Years of trials have led us to choose this genetic as the best of the best in Geraniums.

*Please Note: To assure you get a high quality basket at the time of pickup, we pull the best looking baskets that match your color selection the day prior to pickup.

*Purchase Price includes e-commerce processing charge and product delivery to help make it convenient for partners & fundraiser coordinators to handle orders.

Regular price $27.99
Regular price Sale price $27.99
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